solar security lighting

SOLTECH SATELIS 75W has been installed at Roberto Bustamante to increase the public security during the nighttime around the gate.

Roberto Bustamante WWTP El Paso, TX

Roberto Bustamante WWTP El Paso, TX Previous Next Bustamante WWTP Property Trespassing Problem As of late, Bustamante WWTP noticed a significant rise in property trespassing. This increase in trespasser activity escalated to become a recurring event that posed a serious … Read More

Northwestern Michigan College Installed CEGONIA PRO 30W, one of our premier and many trees and buildings around it

Northwestern Michigan College

Northwestern Michigan College Security Lighting Previous Next About The Project In 2021 SOLTECH connected with Northwestern Michigan College to help with their solar security lighting project. NMC, a community college teaching over 50,000 students, decided to use solar lighting technology … Read More