The blog tile for a solar street lights job in Texas.

Solar Street Lights Illuminate Roberto Bustamante WWTP

The Roberto Bustamante WWTP in El Paso, TX, is a state-of-the-art treatment facility designed to treat the wastewater of East and Southeast El Paso. The plant is tasked with delivering high-quality water to over 150,000+ residents, successfully surpassing compliance with … Read More

Baby turtles crawl towards the ocean over a beach.

Turtle-Friendly Lighting 101: A Guide to Protecting Our Endangered Friends

Every year, countless baby turtles make their journey from nest to sea. Guided by the natural moonlight reflecting off the ocean, turtle hatchlings have a clear direction of where to go. However, conventional lighting can disorient these young turtles, leading … Read More

A composite image showing two portable solar lights at construction sites.

Advantages of Portable Solar Lighting in Construction

In construction, efficiency and adaptability are critical. As contractors seek creative ways to illuminate their worksites, portable solar lighting solutions have emerged as the ideal tool. These convenient lighting systems offer a list of benefits, from the vast expanse of … Read More

Solar Lighting: A Smart Investment for Urban Developments and Communities

Urban development and communities benefit from the integration of solar lighting. In recent years, commercial solar lights have emerged as smart and forward-thinking investments. Beyond mere illumination, solar lighting solutions, like solar parking lot lights and solar area lights, are … Read More

Decorative Solar Lighting: The Best Way to Enhance Community Spaces with Style and Sustainability

Homeowners’ associations (HOAs) and mobile park communities recognize the value of decorative solar lighting in creating inviting and well-lit outdoor spaces. This sustainable lighting solution not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of communal areas but also ensures cost-effective and environmentally … Read More

The Role of Temporary Solar Lighting at Airports and Refineries

In the dynamic environments of airports and refineries, especially during night-time operations, the need for reliable and flexible lighting solutions is key. Temporary solar lighting offers versatility and is becoming the lighting solution of choice for nighttime construction. Incorporating solar … Read More

Solar Light Retrofits: Future Lighting Projects

Solar light retrofits are becoming increasingly popular for new and existing lighting projects. From enhancing sustainability to providing significant cost savings, solar lights may be the way to go for future lighting projects. Easy and Simple Lighting with Solar Street … Read More

Solar Light Winter Performance: Do Solar Lights Work in the Winter? Cloudy Days? Rain?

As winter sets in when days become shorter and nights become longer, common questions often arise regarding the performance of solar lights during the cold season. Do Solar Lights Work in Winter? Yes, solar lights do work in winter. Although … Read More

Bright Ideas: Why Solar Lighting Is Perfect for Your New Project

The start of a new project, be it illuminating a street, park, or large area, demands the right lighting solution. Traditional lighting has its merits, but have you considered the exceptional advantages of solar lighting? 1. Sustainable and Environmental Benefits … Read More

How Reliable Are Solar Lights? Can Partial Shade Obstruct Solar Energy Harvest?

Energy Harvest Challenges – Why Solar Lights Stop Working? Charging solar lights can sometimes be challenging due to various factors that affect solar energy harvest. One common issue is shading or obstructions. When solar panels on these lights are partially … Read More